Morser-Translator is Ready!

At the first time, I want to make a game for each of the chatter to solve morse code puzzles. But for the time limits I made this little app first. And I promise that my original idea will come out very soon, please look forward to it.

For any suggestions or problems, Please leave a comment under this article or send an email to my mailbox:

I’ll reply you or solve the problem as quick as I can.

And here are some captures of my app.

Simulator Screen Shot 2017年3月19日 下午8.19.16 Simulator Screen Shot 2017年3月19日 下午8.21.32 Simulator Screen Shot 2017年3月19日 下午8.22.09


《Morser-Translator is Ready!》上有7条评论

    1. Sorry for the late reply. In current iMessage style, you can scroll to the right and press ‘more’ button, in this page, find the app, scroll to the left, then you will see a red delete button

      1. your app does NOT uninstall from imessage. the app is just simply turned off. how to uninstall from phone completely. program mimics behavior of malware.

      2. your app does NOT uninstall from imessage. the app is just simply turned off. how to uninstall from phone completely. program mimics behavior of malware.

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